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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Weston Rhyn Primary School, we strive to provide an inclusive school experience where all children can achieve their very best.  We work closely with families to build a well-rounded view of our children so that we can meet their individual needs.

Please see our SEND Policy and Information Report below.

Shropshire’s local offer helps families, children, young people and professionals to support those with special educational needs or disabilities to find accurate and appropriate information so that they can make positive decisions about their lives.  For Shropshire Councils Local Offer please follow the link below:

School SENCo:  Mrs A Taylor

School SEND Link Governor:  Mrs Wendy Newman

If you have any concerns about your child, please refer to our SEND Lines of Communication Flowchart below.

Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs based upon the 4 Broad Areas of Need.  Many children have needs in more than one area, and every child is different; often the area of need given for a particular child is their ‘prime’ area.

A brief description of the four broad areas of need follows. 

Communication and Interaction (CI)

This area includes speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), which could mean difficulties with speech production, the understanding of language, the expression of language or a combination of all three. It also includes difficulties with the social use of language.  Children with communication and interaction difficulties may or may not also have learning difficulties.  This also includes children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome

Cognition and Learning (CL)

This area includes general learning difficulties (which may be moderate or severe), profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and specific learning difficulties (SpLD). 

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH)

Challenging behaviours are displayed for many reasons, which may be indicative of underlying mental health difficulties or emotional issues.  At Weston Rhyn we aim to look for the underlying causes of any difficulties with behaviour and/or emotional state, and aim to support these, rather than just dealing with the presenting behaviour.  For some children with SEMH difficulties, the nature of these difficulties will mean that they have learning difficulties, either temporarily or in the long term.

Physical and/or Sensory Need (PSD)

This area includes sensory impairments, such as visual impairment (VI) and hearing impairment (HI), as well as physical disabilities.  Children with these disabilities will usually access support from the specific local team, which may be a combination of education and health services.  These children do not necessarily have ‘learning difficulties’, in that their cognitive functioning may be average or above; some children do have associated learning difficulties.

Please see our SEND Policy and Information Report below.